
Latest news on personal injury and workers’ compensation.

March 4, 2025

Plaintiff alleges infant formula manufacturers’ negligence led to child’s severe illness

March 4, 2025

Appeals court: CTA can’t be sued over death of woman struck by L train while retrieving dropped phone

March 3, 2025

In denying claim for unborn fetus, judge declines ‘invitation to create new law’

Latest News

Workers' Compensation

Stress, burnout raise worker safety concerns

Longer work hours, higher demands and understaffing have made stress and burnout risk factors for employers, and experts say such mental health issues may be making workplaces less safe. “When there’s pressure for production … and things have to get done because there’s a deadline, people may cut corners on safety,” said Paul Landsbergis, an associate professor in the Department…
Personal Injury

Appeals panel: DuPage SWAT officer injured in training exercise can keep $7.5M from trial vs tactical gear maker

A federal appeals panel has affirmed a DuPage County SWAT officer can keep a $7.5 million jury verdict awarded to him as a result of an injury suffered during a training exercise, deemed to be the result of a flawed 'breaching round' produced by tactical gear supplier Safariland. David Hakim was on the DuPage County Sheriff’s Office Special Weapons and…
Personal Injury

St. Clair County woman asks court to declare neighbor’s dogs ‘vicious’ following attack

A St. Clair County woman has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the people of Illinois against her neighbors, claiming their "vicious" dogs are too dangerous to be kept as pets. Plaintiff Bobbie, J. Metscher, on behalf of the people of the State of Illinois, filed the lawsuit in the St. Clair County Circuit Court against Doressa Brinson, Atwart Braggs,…
Personal Injury

Mother sues Anderson Hospital after child died during childbirth

A mother is suing Anderson Hospital. alleging her child died during childbirth due to medical negligence. Plaintiff Taylor Smallwood, acting as Special Administrator of the estate of Cooper Smallwood, filed the lawsuit in the St. Clair County Circuit Court against Nicole Helfrich, R.N., Anderson Hospital, Michelle Embick, R.N., Heather Merwin, R.N., Christina, Midkiff, M.D., and Christina L. Midkiff, M.C., citing…
Personal Injury

Summary judgment granted in pool injury suit against Edwardsville attorney’s estate

Madison County Associate Judge Ronald Foster granted summary judgment to the estate of late lawyer Randy Gori against an injury claim filed by plaintiff Sara Staack on Aug. 17. Staack didn’t appear for the hearing in Foster’s court. Estate counsel Chris Dallavo of Chicago told Foster, “We haven’t heard from her.” Foster’s order stated notice was “given to plaintiff at…
Workers' Compensation

Long COVID present in 6% of comp claims: study

Six percent of workers with compensation claims for COVID-19 developed long COVID, according to a study released Thursday by the Workers Compensation Research Institute. At an average of 18 months of post-infection experience, these workers received more than 20 weeks of temporary disability benefits and received an average of $29,000 in medical care, 10 times that which was spent on…
Personal Injury

East Alton man sues wheelchair manufacturer over alleged injuries

A negligence lawsuit was filed against a wheelchair manufacturer, alleging the wheelchair is designed in such a way to cause it to tip forward. Plaintiff William K. Dowdy filed the lawsuit in the Madison County Circuit Court against United Seating and Mobility, LLC, doing business as Numotion and Pride Mobility Products Corporation, citing negligence and product liability. According to the…
Personal Injury

Amazon delivery driver sues after stepping into pothole at Maryville strip mall

An Amazon delivery driver is suing a Maryville property owner after she allegedly stepped in a pothole and suffered injuries. Plaintiff Ashley Boyet filed the lawsuit in the Madison County Circuit Court against Health Management Zone, citing negligence. According to the lawsuit, Boyet is a delivery driver for Amazon. On Nov. 19, 2022, she was making a delivery to a…
Personal Injury

Man sues tire manufacturers over injuries from exploding tire at US Steel

A US Steel employee claims he suffered amputation after he was injured by an exploding tire while working in Granite City. Plaintiff Joshua Perkins filed the lawsuit in the Madison County Circuit Court against Balkrishna Industries, LTD, BKT USA, Inc., BKT Tires, Community Wholesale Tired Dis., Inc., Community Tire Company, Inc., also known as Community Retreading, and Pomp's Tire Service,…
Personal Injury

Fuller’s Car Wash hit by lawsuit from three hurt in Hinsdale sub shop crash; Family of boy killed yet to file suit

A lawsuit has been filed against the owners of a downtown Hinsdale car wash, asserting they must pay for severe injuries suffered by three people who were hurt when a Jeep driven by a teenaged car wash employee suddenly drove across the street and crashed into a sandwich shop at which they were dining. The lawsuit was filed in Cook…

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