
Latest news on personal injury and workers’ compensation.

March 10, 2025

Plaintiff alleges medical negligence against United States Government after veteran’s suffering

March 10, 2025

Mother sues infant formula manufacturer over alleged link between formula and infant illness

March 4, 2025

Plaintiff alleges infant formula manufacturers’ negligence led to child’s severe illness

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Workers' Compensation

Progressive aldermen move to strip Burke of $100M-a-year worker’s comp program

Progressive aldermen moved Wednesday to strip the Finance Committee chaired by Ald. Edward Burke (14th) of control over Chicago’s $100 million-a-year worker’s compensation program. The move by Ald. John Arena (45th) and his Progressive Caucus colleagues comes nearly two weeks after the unprecedented federal raid on Burke’s ward and City Hall offices. Sources have told the Chicago Sun-Times that the…
Workers' Compensation

Woman who severed finger on the job must seek redress via Worker’s Compensation Act

A woman whose finger was severed in an accident at an Elkhart County assembly plant must seek relief via the Indiana Worker’s Compensation Act after the Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal of her negligence complaint against the company she worked for at the time of the injury. In Eshanya Walls v. Markley Enterprises, Inc., 18A-CT-266, temporary staffing agency…
Personal Injury

Trial lawyers: EPA admission of fault in Sterigenics emissions measuring won’t matter to lawsuits vs company

As federal environmental regulators reassess their controversial measurements of emissions from the Sterigenics plant in Willowbrook, a group of lawyers representing Willowbrook residents are continuing unfazed in their lawsuits against the company, based largely on findings in a federal report that relied heavily on the allegedly faulty data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Since September, lawsuits against Sterigenics have…
Workers' Compensation

COA: Lake County court overstepped in awarding fees in Illinois case

A Lake County court lacked jurisdiction to award nearly $2 million in attorney fees arising from a permanently injured man’s Illinois worker’s compensation case. The Indiana Court of Appeals on Wednesday vacated the judge’s order on fees entered in the man’s guardianship case. An appellate panel vacated Lake Superior Judge Marissa McDermott’s order for Hartford Insurance Co. to pay $1.9…
Workers' Compensation

Out-of-pocket health costs jump in Indiana

Growth in employee portion of coverage bill outpaces nation Workers' out-of-pocket costs for employer-provided health insurance jumped 13.5 percent in Indiana last year, twice the nationwide increase, The Commonwealth Fund reported Thursday. Hoosier workers on average faced paying $7,462 in premiums and potential deductibles last year, an increase of $888 from the previous year. Nationally, out-of-pocket expenses averaged a potential…
Workers' Compensation

WC Board Posts Formulary Rules Notice

The Indiana Workers’ Compensation Board has posted online the Official Disability Guidelines formulary, which will become effective on Jan. 1. The state legislature mandated adoption of the ODG formulary, published by MCG Health, with passage of Senate Bill 369, signed into law by Gov. Eric Holcomb in March. Indiana is the 15th state to adopt a drug formulary for workers’…
Workers' Compensation

Class action misclassification lawsuit thrown out for lack of class members

While truckers are winning misclassification suits on the West Coast, the fate of similar lawsuits elsewhere in the country is less predictable. The Seventh Circuit court of appeals in Chicago recently dismissed a class action lawsuit that claimed a trucking company misclassified drivers as independent contractors. On Nov. 20, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit affirmed…

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