A man is suing a restaurant after he allegedly slipped on ice and suffered a broken leg. Mark Levy filed a lawsuit on Dec. 21 in the Madison County Circuit Court against Plocher Construction Company, Inc., Edwardsville Town Center, LLC., Susan Richardson and Howard Richardson, doing business as Doc’s Smokehouse. According to the lawsuit, Levy and his wife were on…
A man is suing a baseball field after he allegedly fell and broke a hip on the party deck while watching a game. Randolph J. and Margaret Bagent filed a lawsuit on Dec. 22 in the Madison County Circuit Court against E&G Baseball/Alton, Inc., doing business as Alton River Dragons, Prospect Collegiate Baseball, LLC., and the City of Alton. According…
A woman claims she suffered from salmonella poisoning after eating the chicken taco salad at Mr. Pancho’s Mexican Restaurant. Victoria Ray filed a lawsuit on Dec. 28 in the Madison County Circuit Court against Los Alamos San, Inc., alleging strict liability and negligence. According to the lawsuit, Ray ate at Mr. Pancho’s Mexican Restaurant and Grill, owned and operated by…
A woman is suing her former employer, alleging she was terminated in retaliation for filing a workers’ compensation claim. Maria Hernandez filed a lawsuit on Dec. 27 in the Madison County Circuit Court against ET Superior Services KP, Inc.. According to the lawsuit, Hernandez was employed by ET Superior Services when she allegedly suffered a work-related injury on June 22….
Using workers compensation systems to provide medical and indemnity benefits to workers who contract COVID-19 could be advantageous, according to a report by Rand Corp. released Tuesday. “Assured benefits could encourage sick workers to stay at home, and workers compensation has long been recognized as an effective incentive for employers to proactively promote workplace safety by using insurance pricing to…
The city of Indianapolis effectively denied a request for over $2 million in compensation made by three members of the Sikh community affected by a mass shooting at an Indianapolis FedEx facility last April. Harpreet Singh, Lakhwinder Kaur and Gurinder Bains, who were injured or lost family members in the April 15 attack, each requested $700,000 in damages from the…
A class action was filed against Procter & Gamble, alleging it fails to inform consumers that benzene is present in its aerosol antiperspirant products. James Dethrow, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, filed a federal class-action complaint on Dec. 20 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois against The Procter & Gamble Company,…
A barge company argues that a man’s lawsuit alleging he slipped on ice, fell into the Mississippi River during a snowstorm and became trapped under the barge should be dismissed because the incident was the result of the natural accumulation of snow and ice and was not foreseeable. Defendant American River Transportation Co. filed a motion to dismiss on Dec….
Indiana lawmakers Tuesday read through a new bill that would require the state Department of Education to provide adequate employer liability and workers compensation insurance coverage for students enrolled in a work-based learning course. H.B. 1094 would also designate certain career and technical education programs as youth apprenticeship programs, providing $500 grants to school corporations for each pupil enrolled in…
A federal district court has refused to dismiss a putative class action lawsuit filed against Amazon.com Inc. by a former employee who contends the company violated Illinois’ biometric law. William Naughton, who worked for two months in 2020 as a “picker” at an Amazon fulfillment center in Joliet, Illinois, charges the company violated the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act by…