A skater claims she was injured when she fell on an uneven surface at a skating rink in Granite City. The lawsuit was filed in the Madison County Circuit Court by Heavenly McCline against Skateway, Inc. According to the complaint, McCline claims she was at the skating rink operated by the defendant in Granite City on Jan. 30, 2022. She…
A patient claims he suffered third degree burns while undergoing an MRI because a cable was placed across his arm during the procedure. The lawsuit was filed in the Madison County Circuit Court by plaintiff Sean M. Carnell against BrightWay Imaging. According to the complaint, Carnell underwent an MRI procedure at BrightWay Imaging on May 20, 2022. During the procedure,…
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration said Wednesday it cited a manufacturer after discovering numerous machine safety violations at its Itasca, Illinois, plant that expose workers to amputation hazards. OSHA cited Walker Midwest LLC, a division of Ontario, Canada-based Walker Stamping, for one willful violation and 13 serious violations following a July inspection that took place after the agency…
The owner of a health and fitness center where a woman suffered a head injury while swimming must face the woman’s negligence-related claims, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled in finding the gym’s owner is not entitled to summary judgment. But the justices affirmed summary judgment for the facility’s principal architect and subcontractor on similar claims. Justice Christopher Goff wrote the…
A nursing home is being sued after one of its residents allegedly suffered an infection, resulting in amputation. The lawsuit was filed in the Madison County Circuit Court against Edwardsville NH LLC, NH Operator Holdings VII, and Karlene S. Dotson by plaintiff Edward Blanke. According to the complaint, Blanke alleges that while under the care of the defendants from March…
A Norfolk Southern Railway Company employee claims he suffered a wrist injury due to negligent working conditions. The lawsuit was filed in the Madison County Circuit Court by plaintiff Charles Johannigmeier against Norfolk Southern Railway Company. According to the complaint, Johannigmeier worked as a switchman/conductor and an engineer during his employment with Norfolk Southern Railway. He claims that during his…
A woman claims her child fell 65 feet to the ground while ziplining in Mexico, causing severe head injuries. The lawsuit was filed in the Madison County Circuit Court by plaintiff Leticia Parra, on behalf of minor S. Parra, against Hyatt Corporation, Grupo Asca, Apple Leisure Group, PVD Investments, and Safety Engineering OOD. According to the complaint, the plaintiff alleges…
Indiana lawmakers are again considering a bill to assist first responders suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. H.B. 1118, slated to be read Monday, would establish a state-funded first responders mental health wellness fund and program. The fund would provide up to 10 days of compensation and mental health services for first responders diagnosed with PTSD who do not qualify for…
Indiana lawmakers have introduced legislation that would permit injured workers to choose their attending physicians in workers compensation claims. House Bill 1246, filed Tuesday, would allow employers to choose a physician for an injured worker if the injury renders the employee unable to make a decision or in cases where immediate medical attention is required. If the measure is approved,…
A woman claims she was injured after falling at the Alton Cracker Factory. The lawsuit was filed in the Madison County Circuit Court by plaintiff Margaret Voke against Second Street Developments, LLC, doing business as Alton Cracker Factory. The complaint alleges that Voke suffered a fall due to a defective ramp on the defendant’s premises. She claims the incident occurred…