A mother claims she and her children suffered injuries due to mold exposure in an Edwardsville apartment. The lawsuit was filed in the Madison County Circuit Court by Rylee Szoke against Good Holdings LLC, RBM Partners LLC, Fireside Management LLC, Benjamin Tomasino and Nicholas Smith. According to the complaint, Szoke was a tenant of an Edwardsville apartment and lived there…
A man alleges his lawyer failed to timely file a lawsuit after he crashed due to items falling off the vehicle in front of him. The lawsuit was filed in the Madison County Circuit Court by motorist Benjamin Broadnax against Anthony Gray and law firm Johnson Gray, LLC. According to the complaint, Broadnax claims he was driving on Sept. 25,…
Musculoskeletal conditions associated with aging and identified during examinations of injured workers are increasingly common, adding to the complexity of claims, experts say. These so-called degenerative conditions seen in comp claims can “become complicated because typically you have no baseline,” said Max Koonce, Memphis, Tennessee-based chief claims officer for third-party administrator Sedgwick Claims Management Services Inc. “You don’t know where…
Lisa Mattern of Albers seeks damages from the manufacturer of a foundry machine that crushed husband Mark Mattern at Century Brass Works in Swansea in 2022. Mattern’s counsel Matthew Chapman of Granite City filed a wrongful death complaint against Roberts Sinto Corporation at St. Clair County Circuit Court in December. Chapman claimed a mold lifter began moving while Mattern performed…
A woman claims she was injured when she fell while in the restroom area at Anderson Hospital. The lawsuit was filed in the Madison County Circuit Court by Shenelle Johnson against Anderson Hospital. According to the complaint, Johnson alleges she was at Anderson Hospital on July 1, 2022, for an appointment when visited the restroom area and tripped on a…
A woman with scoliosis claims a piece of catheter broke off in the epidural of her spine during labor due to alleged negligence. The lawsuit was filed in the Madison County Circuit Court by plaintiff Christin Witt against anesthesiologist Dr. Juri O. McDowell, CRNA Andrew Funkhouser, and Alton Memorial Hospital. According to the complaint, Witt was the defendants’ patient on…
A man claims he was injured when the handlbars of his Swagger 5 electric scooter broke off. The lawsuit was filed in the St. Clair County Circuit Court by plaintiff Johnathan Pigg against Hoverzon, LLC, also known as Swagtron. According to the complaint, Pigg purchased a Swagger 5 electric scooter, manufactured and sold by Hoverzon, from Amazon. He claims that…
A patient claims she required a hysterectomy after her condition was misdiagnosed. The lawsuit was filed in the St. Clair County Circuit Court by plaintiff Martah Ritchie against St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Premier Pathology Services, LLC, and Dr. Stephen M. Olson. According to the complaint, the defendants failed to properly treat Ritchie’s adenocarcinoma in-situ, leading to unnecessary surgery including a hysterectomy….
A patient claims he suffered an allergic reaction to his medication, which allegedly resulted in a heart attack. The lawsuit was filed in the St. Clair County Circuit Court by plaintiff Kenneth C. Bozsa against Dr. Nidal Shawahin and Fairview Heights Medical Group, S.C., also known as BIC Medical Group of Illinois. According to the complaint, Bozsa alleges he suffered…
A doctor must face a patient’s medical malpractice complaint after the Indiana Supreme Court overturned a summary judgment ruling. In its decision, the high court clarified that a medical expert is not required to expressly state the applicable standard of care in an affidavit. In August 2017, Penny Korakis was taken to Memorial Hospital of South Bend for pain from…